Sunday, July 27, 2014

Date Yourself

Image by Felix Francis

I've talked before about self-esteem and recovering from feelings of rejection. 
One of the activities I proposed for you to overcome the negative mood is to buy yourself flowers.
Another activity that really helped me was to have dates with myself. I know it sounds strange, but believe me, dating yourself is a wonderful experience. 
If you think it's too awkward to do that in public (for example, you'd feel lame going out to a restaurant by yourself), just do it at home.

Would you like to have someone cook you a special meal? Go ahead and cook it for yourself. Clean and organize your dining room as if you had a guest. Set the table nicely. Put on some flowers and some candles. Prepare the table for yourself as if you were someone else, someone who loves you dearly. Enjoy the meal and appreciate the love you put in preparing this meal for yourself.
You know yourself better than anybody else. So it will be very easy to please yourself. Do exactly what you know will make you happy (choose your favourite dish, put your favourite flowers in a vase, etc).

Would you like to have a nice romantic bath with candles, rose petals and bubbles? Why not! Set the mood, prepare your bathroom, light the candles, put on a nice relaxing music. Enjoy the fragrant smell of the candles, petals or bath foam. Lay there and appreciate the loving effort you put into making yourself happy.

What other self-dating ideas can you think if? What is your idea of a great date? What would you like to have someone do for you? Think about it and make it happen.
Treat yourself to something nice, then enjoy the love and kindness of that gesture. 
Date yourself.

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